Tales of the Dales: Ilkley Alien

Ilkley Moor Kid Friendly Walk 4.JPG

‘The heavy mist was beginning to clear in the early morning light. Across the path, a small figure darted out from behind a rock…… swirling lights, filling the mist’

This is a reyt weird one!

The story goes that back in the 1980’s ex-policeman Philip Spencer took to Ilkley Moor with his camera to go and capture some of the strange light phenomena which had been reported there. What he hadn’t banked on was a chance encounter with what he believed to be an alien. He even managed to take a snap of the creature, before it ran off.

Obviously, Phil gave chase until the alien disappeared. The next thing he saw was an aircraft rising from the mist, which then disappeared into the sky…….

See?! Weird.

But whether or not you believe that Ilkley Moor is the preferred holiday destination for the little green men, it is genuinely a place that is full of history and mystery (yes, that rhymes…..)

Scattered across the moor are hundreds of cup and ring marked rocks, some which are incredibly detailed in their design. On the basis these are THOUSANDS of years old, nobody really knows why they were carved and what their purpose was….. far be it for me to suggest that they have any connection with ET…...

Ok, they’re far more likely to be some form of waymarking, or even graffiti left by a neolithic farmer bored of waiting for his sheep, but I love that there is SUCH a weird story about Ilkley Moor.

I mean, if you’re going for a legend, make sure it’s a belter!


Want to walk in the footsteps of the legends?

We have SO MANY Ilkley Moor walks and you’ll find them allllll here!


Tales of the Dales: Trollers Gill


Tales of the Dales: Bolton Abbey