Make Walking with Kids Fun!
The Walking Games
Do you play walking games with the kids?
Because let’s face it, walking with the kids can be somewhat of a ….. challenge at times. So when I declare, ‘make walking with kids fun’ like I’m some kind of magical Mary Poppins type, then rest assured, I am not.
No, I don’t have a spoonful of sugar to make the walking medicine go down and I don’t have a magical bottomless bag full of miracle cures. Sometimes, walking with the kids is quite simply a whinge filled moan-fest with a side of stroppiness and a sprinkling of resentment thrown in for good measure.
Have I hit the nail on the head?
So calling all parents of the other Reluctant Explorers out there! Walking with the Kids can be done! It WILL be done and it shall ABSOLUTELY be done with a massive bag full of snacks and….
The Whinge Busting Walking Games!
Follow us, @thereluctantexplorers on Instagram and Facebook for ALL things outdoors in the Yorkshire Dales!
Poo Jumping and other games…
Start off strong and as you mean to go on I say…
Yes. This game does comprise jumping over piles of poo. BUT, it works because… well firstly, it speeds up little legs, secondly, it’s POO and that ALWAYS gets a laugh and thirdly…. you can turn it into a walking competition (how many piles of poo can you jump over?)
Other such genius no-prep-minimum-effort walking games include…
⭐ I packed my bag and in it I put… memory game. If you don’t know it, one person says ‘I packed my bag and in it I put… a sock’… for example. The next person then says… ‘I packed my bag and in it I put a sock and a toothbrush….’ (see where this is going?) Then the NEXT person says… ‘ I packed my bag and in it I put… The United States of America (my youngest’s fav addition to the bag) and so on until somebody forgets and then you start the whole glorious process again! HOORAY.
⭐ Animal noise impressions (loud, and hilarious and no more needs to be said on THAT matter)
⭐ A classic game of speed-up-the-walk tag. Warning. Don’t do this in the vicinity of bog. Because the bog WILL get ya.
⭐ The game where you have to think of a word that starts with the last letter of the word that came before it. An excellent way to cause World War 3 over who said what last and also how stuff is spelt, along with…. that’s not a word. EXCELLENT time wasting exercise.
⭐ What am I. Describe yourself… like.. ‘I am a carrot. I am orange, rabbits like me… no I’m not an Oompa Loompa’ and so on…
⭐ The Story. It’s capitalised because this game is like an existential crisis for the world of fiction and therefore it needs to be given the gravity it deserves. Each sentence is told by a different person, and the PLACES this activity goes…… well. Fiction. I’m sorry.
I like to think of them as the walking games for the families who forget to bring stuff with them to entertain the kids whilst walking…. So basically people like me. An emergency walking game selection to have in your back pocket!
Google Animals Walking Game
Ever used the Google augmented reality function on your phone to create real life wild animals on your walk?! Well then you haven’t lived!
This one is guaranteed to be a success, but you do require some internet coverage for it to work! Simply Google an animal, e.g. a tiger, bear, penguin etc. and you will be faced with the option to ‘Meet a life-sized - whatever you Googled - up close’.
It is then transported by the magic of Augmented Reality to wherever you are at the time! You can take a picture of it or even a video, and boom! Mega walking fun to be had.
Try these Google games:
Transport a bear into a cave (check out our Settle caves walk for that!) and have a real life bear hunt.
Add an alligator to a river side walk (check out our Aysgarth Falls walk for that!)
Find a hippo wallowing in a waterfall (check out our Buckden Beck waterfalls walk for that!)
Bubble Games
As a fully grown adult, I love bubbles. So do my kids. They did when they were babies, preschoolers and even now they are older!
Why not grab yourself some bio degradable and non toxic bubble mix (leave no trace!) and…
Try out these bubble games?
Freeze your bubbles. This is a game to play in the middle of winter at the height of the whinge season! You need sub-zero temperatures and frozen ground for this to work at its best.
Wind bubbles. Yup, using the wind to blow your bubbles for you… laziness at it’s best, fun though for a windy day!
Make Hide and Seek Photographs
Such an easy game to play! Grab your phone or camera, find a spot, take a ‘before shot’ and then a ‘boo shot’.
Spend your walk finding the best hide and seek photograph spots!
Why not try these games?
Pull a ridiculous face
Give yourself a bucket list (photo with a tree, a wall, with a sheep in the background)
Have a prize for the best hide and seek photographs
No need for any more explanation! Off you go!
Take Paper Boats Sailing
Now I am no origami expert, but I am just about capable enough to make a wax paper boat!
Don’t be fooled by the epic waterfall setting for one of our wax paper boat sailing sessions though, mostly we have sailed these on rainwater!
We have a page dedicated to these with a proper instructional video and everything about how to make one yourself, so why don’t you go and take a look at it if you want to make your own!
Why not try these games?
On a rainy day, sail a boat on a puddle
Find a little stream to float it down and have somebody catch it at the bottom
If you want the epic waterfall in the photograph? Then head to our Cow Close Waterfall walk.
Just remember not to leave any rubbish behind and take all of your soggy boats home with you!
Make a Journey Stick of your Walk
Ever heard of a Journey Stick? Essentially, this is an ancient craft of creating a memory of a journey.
And we all know that a kid’s memory is like a veritable sieve (ever asked them what they’ve had for lunch?!) So the idea is simple, you get a stick, take some elastic bands or string and tie it around the stick so you have somewhere to wedge in your bits and pieces and then you collect nature bits and bobs from along the way!
Why not try upgrading your journey stick by creating a walking stick?
Find an epic walking stick, clean, sand and wax it, then create an area around the top of the stick to tie on bits and pieces from along the way, like pine cones, feathers, cool leaves, seed pods and more!
Puddle Splashing Games
This one is MESSY! So be prepared! It needs no more explanation other than…. JUMP IN MUDDY PUDDLES AND TRY AND GET EVERYBODY ELSE WET!
Why not try these games?
Add a competitive edge, by taking a tape measure to measure how far the splash goes. Maybe you could even crown a winner!
Use the mud to make mud pies (in for a penny and all that)
Puddle pole vaulting
Fun in spades. Or should I say puddles…. (sorry about the washing)
Maps, Maps, MAPS!
This is THE most adaptable activity there is! Getting kids involved in the map reading process is such a great way of reducing the whinge factor. Basically, think along the lines of… they can see exactly how far they are going to walk and how far they’ve got left …. therefore, fewer ‘how long is there to go?’ whinges!
BOOM! Parenting win!
Why not try these games?
Preschoolers/ KS1 kids? Make your own muddy map! For this, simply draw a rough shape of your walk (circular walks work well, as you can pretty much draw a circle!) Then get your little ones to draw what they see on the way around. Even better if you can get them to pop the drawings in roughly the right spot, and gold stars if you can compare what they see, what they draw and what’s on the actual map.
Older kids? Get them planning the walk with you and get them to start identifying the features on the map too. Having an element of control is worth its weight in gold!
Go for a Litter Pick Walk
If you can leave a place a little better than when you arrived then that’s worth it right?
My two love going litter picking and when you visit a beautiful place like the Yorkshire Dales National Park, you want to leave it as beautiful as you found it!
SO, on that note…. DON’T be a tosser. There is nothing more frustrating than seeing a fabulous spot ruined by somebody who could not be bothered to take their rubbish home with them. YOU brought it, YOU take it away.
Sadly, this is not always the case. So wherever we can, we pick up other people’s rubbish (as long as it is safe to do so).
And fortunately, my two LOVE IT! So there you go, a walking game that helps keep our beautiful places clean and the kids happy too!
Photography Games
Simples right? Hand over the camera or the phone to the kids and let them loose! It’s amazing what they spot that we don’t, so make a game of it and try and beat the walk whinges too!
Why not try these ideas …
Doing a photo scavenger hunt? Create a list before you go and tick them all off.
Older kids? Challenge them to create a photo collage or to fill a frame back at home.
All ages? Create a subject to photograph before heading out, then create art from it back at home, whether that be drawing, digital creations, collage or clay!
Go Fly a Kite!
This is a great one. Windy day? Then get out walking and fly a kite! We have flown kites in all kinds of places (just watch out for power lines)
The photograph is us flying a kite on the moor near Lower Barden Reservoir near Bolton Abbey, but you know what they say about Ilkley Moor b’aht ‘at too (and I CAN confirm…. it’s pretty much always windy!)
Don’t have a kite? Why not try making one at home, and then taking it to fly, or we love our Pocket Kite. (As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases)
Understanding Nature
Ok. The title suggests I’m trying to be patronising, but I’m not! Honest!
Taking the time to figure out what you’re seeing and experiencing is one of the easiest walking games there is! Fungus, flowers, birds, rocks, it’s all got a story!
If you have an animal, get tracking their prints, looking for their habitats, or finding their poop! Listen for animal calls, or identify the trees you see. Find the gazillion types of fungus there are to find (look, don’t touch), hunt for bugs, look for wildflowers… the list is endless!
As a pocket sized resource, we LOVE our nature identification cards from Catkin and Co. A fabulous Yorkshire based local business, why not check out the Catkin and Co. website to find out what she’s got in stock!
The Nature Collecting
When my two were younger, the extent of the nature collection was so great….. it deserved a THE at the start of this title!
And it was so epic…. it developed a whole website page of its own!
So are you the proud parent to a stick connoisseur? Perhaps you have a super special stone collection, or pinecones that are just too pretty to throw away (ok, that’s me there).
Well you are not alone! Collecting is a whole world of walking game fun!
Why not try this whilst walking?
Head out on a mission to find the perfect walking stick, then bring it back and take it to the NEXT level!
Find a rock that’s shaped like a heart, then bring it home to paint.
Find a leaf skeleton, then take them home to draw (holly works best for this)
Head out in late Spring and forage wild garlic, or in late Summer and find blackberries?
We have a whole page dedicated to what you can do with your nature collection, so check it out!
Walk to feed the ducks
Does it need to be said that a walk that involves feeding the ducks is just one of the best?!
Because it really is!
Why not have a go at making your own duck food? Then heading out on a mission to find some hungry ducks! All you need is some leftover sweetcorn, cucumber, lettuce, porridge oats you can even give them some rice! (source Canal and River Trust) Top Tip! Keep your dry ingredients separated from your veggies until you’re ready to feed to stop it getting too soggy and sinking!
We know a walk…
Actually, we know LOADS of walks that have a place to go and feed the ducks, why not try our Ilkley Tarn walk or our Swinsty Reservoir walk. Over in Nidderdale? Try our Fishpond Woods walk!
Take a Walking Scavenger Hunt
Sometimes all you need is a little bit of a mission.
And taking your own scavenger hunt with you on it, is a great to get little legs walking and experiencing their surroundings!
You could create your own, or we have a page full of free printable walking scavenger hunt games that we have created in the past for us, and for you to use!
All our Family Friendly Walks on One Map!
What’s that I see? A MAP!?
Yes, that’s right, you guys asked, and here it is. The map of ALL the Reluctant Explorers family walks!
The one you can see is embedded so you can use it straight from the website, or if you’d prefer, you can view it straight in Google Maps, simple tap the link on the button below.
The benefit of using it directly from the website is that when you tap on each individual walk, you will find the page link to each walk, allowing you to jump straight to the walk information!
The map can be filtered as follows:
Family Walks (purple) | Pushchair Walks (pram) | Waterfall Walks (blue) | Walks Under Two Miles (yellow)
For more types of walks (pub walks, woodland walks etc. Head to the menus above where they are all categorised, depending on what you fancy!)
Scroll using the arrows for all our Family Friendly Walks
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