The Ingleton Waterfalls Trail with Kids
The Ingleton Waterfalls Trail is located on the southern edge of the Yorkshire Dales National Park and is a walking trail that’s packed full of…. well WATERFALLS!
So if you have kids who LOVE a waterfall (actually, if YOU love a waterfall) then you need to check out this Visit the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail with the Kids Guide.
Is the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail suitable for Kids?
Well I can answer that with a resounding YES! Whilst the walk is pretty strenuous, it’s 100% family friendly and definitely worth a visit if you’re headed to the area.
Ingleton is a bustling town with a super friendly Yorkshire vibe. It’s right on the edge of the Yorkshire Dales National Park and is a great place to begin this walk. And what a walk this is! You’ll find six epic waterfalls on this trail and they will not disappoint, particularly after wet weather: Pecca Falls, Hollybush Spout, Thornton Force, Beezeley Falls, Snow Falls and Baxenghll Gorge are glorious.
So, do you want to know how to walk the trail with the kids? Scroll down to find out how long the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail is, what’s kid friendly about it, what you need to prepare for the trail and the answers to all the other frequently asked questions about doing the Waterfalls Trail with the Kids.
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What is the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail?
The trail is a series of epic waterfalls set in stunning glens, gorges and woodland, just outside of the town centre of Ingleton.
It’s on private land, so you are not able to simply walk to all the waterfalls themselves without paying for the trail.
How much does it cost?
The current rate (2023) is £5 per child and £10 per adult. The parking cost is included in the price and the children’s trail sheet is an extra £1.
What’s the child friendly trail sheet?
It’s a trail sheet that takes you around the waterfalls trail with rubbings to take at various points throughout. It’s a great incentive to get the kids walking and motivated throughout the trail. There are puzzles to complete, a quiz and at the end there is a medal for those who complete it. Well worth the extra £1 in my humble opinion!
How long is the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail?
The trail is estimated to be 4.5 miles in length, however when I tracked it by GPS, it was about 5 miles plus. There is loads to explore, particularly around Thornton Force so you may want to account for it being a little more in terms of mileage.
And this leads me neatly onto the next thing…
Can I go and see the waterfalls up close?
No. It’s not safe to head off the path with the kids and there are plenty of signs to tell you all about that! There are a lot of steep unguarded drops and slippery rocks so care must be take at all times.
That is with the exception of Thornton Force. This is located on open access land and so you can explore a bit more freely. You can get up and behind the waterfall if you dare as well!
Can I swim in the waterfalls?
Thornton Force is a popular wild swim spot, but be warned, you will undoubtedly have an audience!
The other waterfalls are not easily accessible and the signage discourages heading off path onto what is private land.
Is the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail pushchair friendly?
No. There is a LOT of uneven ground, steps and narrow paths so it’s a definite carrier job!
Is it strenuous then?
There is a lot of uneven terrain, steep steps and rocky ground. The ascent is about 950 feet and there is a lot of up and down. So be prepared and be armed with snacks and drinks!
Is there anywhere to eat on the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail?
We are always thinking of the food when it comes to walking with the kids!
There is the Falls Cafe at the start of the trail that serves light bites, drinks and snacks. There is a little cafe at Thornton Force located in a little cabin that serves hot drinks and snacks and there is an ice cream van at the half way point that also serves hot drinks and… well ice cream!
There is a further cafe down at the campsite and then there are loads of places for food and drinks at Ingleton too. So in terms of food and drink it has you covered!
That said, we almost always take a picnic and you’ll find plenty of picnic spots too!
What else do I need to know about the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail?
Of COURSE there’s a little bit more to know…
There are toilets located at the beginning, middle and end of the trail. Always handy with the kids!
There is a play park at the riverside in Ingleton, just follow the signs for the riverside after you exit the official trail route.
There is a lido at Ingleton too, check the website for more information about when it’s open.
The trail and the car park shuts at dusk.
The trail gets really busy. It’s a fact. This is such a beautiful spot and everybody wants to enjoy it! So factor that in. I’d also factor that into your walk times as well, because if you are following somebody walking at a slower pace, you might not be able to pass for a while. Be prepared to share the beautiful views with others!

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