Tales of the Dales: Bolton Abbey
The Bolton Abbey ruins….. A beautiful ruin with some terrible tales …..
‘The warm glow of dusk covers the ground like an ochre blanket, the shadows of the imposing arches and crumbling walls of the priory stretch far across the ground, the stone warm from a day in the Autumn sunshine. Music from inside the church rises and falls as a doe stands watch…. Its white glow slowly disappearing into the shadows…’
I mean……. It’s gotta be haunted right?!
Bolton Abbey dates back to the early 12th Century when Lady Alice de Rumilly (owner of Skipton Castle) gifted land to the Augustinian order. It was presided over by a Prior, (hence it’s technically a priory rather than an abbey….. deffo not being a stickler for detail for there……) and it operated until the dissolution of the monasteries (thanks Henry VIII) after which, it was bought by Lord Clifford in 1539.
A bit of a whistle-stop potted history there!
There are several tales surrounding the priory ruins, my favourite being that the spirit of Lady Alice watches over the ruins in the form of a white doe. She appears on Sundays during the church services, and disappears after they have finished. I like to think that she’s checking that her land is still fulfilling its purpose, rather than falling into some kind of debauched operation…….
On a more sinister note though, the tomb of Lord John de Clifford can be found at Bolton Abbey. This all round imposing and intimidating character was nicknamed ‘The Butcher’….. I know. Sounds like an all round nice dude right?!
During the 1970’s, an excavation of the 14th Century Lord’s tomb was begun at Bolton Abbey. The archaeologists became suitably spooked during the process and reported sighting upon sighting of ghosts and fearsome ominous presences. So disruptive were the sightings, that the excavation ended without being fully completed. Lord John was probably a bit irritated by the intrusion I’d say…..
The last of the well-known tales about the priory ruins pertains to a once Prior, named Prior Moone. Rumour has it (and often the best tales are sprung from those rumours…) is that the nursery rhyme ‘Hey Diddle Diddle’ originated from Bolton Priory’s final superior who was known for a bit of corruption, a drop of thievery and a dash of adultery….. ah those standard origins of a good old fashioned nursery rhyme. Prior Moone is said to appear under one of the carved roof bosses of the Abbey, the very same carved roof bosses which is said to depict the devil…..
Of course. Because if YOU were a corrupt ghost, who had a hankering for the hanky panky where ELSE would you want to materialise?!
So fancy walking in the footsteps of The legends of the Bolton Abbey (ahem Priory) ruins?! Course you do! Not only will this walk take you into the ruins, but if you’re lucky, the Welly Walk will still be on (running until 31 October 2021).
Want to walk in the footsteps of these Yorkshire Legends?
This one will take you through the ruins of Bolton Abbey, over the stepping stones (or the bridge!) through woodland and back!
I would not have been able to write these walks without some of the fantastic resources that I have available.
This walk was inspired by a tale I read in Haunted Yorkshire Dales by Summer Strevens. Her book is available to buy and is literally jam packed full of ghost stories!
We just made them into walks!
More Ghosts PLEASE!
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