Tales of the Dales: Trollers Gill
Trollers Gill, plenty of places for those trolls to hide…. (Reima and Didriksons waterproofs gifted by Little Adventure Shop.
‘The cries of crows echo through the rocky ravine….. the crack of a rock as it hits the ground sends your attention upwards towards the steely grey sky…. Pressing onwards, your gaze returns to ground, only to be met with two pinpricks of yellow in the distance, you squint as you try to make out the owners of the two yellow lantern like eyes, glowing in the mist….’
Trollers Gill. Literally the place of legends.
Ever wondered how Trollers Gill got its name? Have a guess……… no, it doesn’t have a reputation for bullying other Yorkshire Gills, it is the home to some pretty malevolent trolls, who’s sole desire it is to throw rocks at your head. Or anybody else’s head for that matter. See? Not quite your average Princess Poppy (sorry, casual Trolls reference there).
I mean if I were a troll, I’d DEFINITELY choose Trollers Gill as my chosen haunt. Steep rocky walls, a mysteriously disappearing river, masses upon masses of troll sized holes…… this place has got atmosphere in SPADES!
Keep your eyes peeled for those rocks….. (Reima waterproof gifted from Little Adventure Shop)
But not only is this breath-taking place home to some pretty evil trolls, it is the residence of a legendary demon dog. The Barghest. With it’s saucer like glowing eyes, it’s sole purpose it not to throw stones, but to kill anybody who lays eyes on it. Da Da DAAAAAAAH!
I know….. BRUTAL!
The local story of the Barghest goes like this. In 1881, a particularly brave feeling fellow decided he’d chance his luck against the Trollers Gill demon dog, and headed to the limestone scar with the intention of summoning up the dog (and presumably living to tell the tale…..)
Unfortunately, the fate that befell this courageous chap was not to bravely return home with proof of his survival, but was to be found dead the following day by a shepherd, reportedly with wounds and marks on him, that could not have been human…….. Creepy right?
In fact this place is so inspirationally creepy, rumour has it that the Trollers Gill Barghest was the inspiration for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Hound of the Baskervilles. It’s a rumour that I like, whether or not it has any fact behind it…. well, I’ll leave that up to you!
So what do you reckon? Going to brave the Barghest? I mean, we have many times, because this is one of our FAVOURITE walks.
So, if you fancy the route that also takes you past the incredibly aptly titled Hell Hole, then find it below!
Sleep tight!
Fancy Walking in the Footsteps of these Yorkshire Legends?
Ready to take on the Barghest and his grumpy troll friends?!