Easter Outdoor Activities for Kids
Outdoor activities for kids at Easter (note to self, do not forget bunny ears!)
Easter outdoor nature activities for kids.
It’s coming! No, not winter (although this very tired Game of Thrones reference is very apt considering we had snow last week!) But Easter. Easter is most certainly coming! Want to know how to make being outdoors more fun?! Here are our top Easter outdoor and nature activities for kids!
Easter egg nature weaving board and sensory egg hunt.
Alternative Easter Egg Hunt
I love this one. It’s like a bumper Easter activity all rolled into one! Not only is it a GREAT alternative to a chocolate based Easter Egg hunt, but it gets kids really engaging in their Springtime surroundings. And getting messy and feeling all those different textures is a great way of promoting imagination, and confidence!
What’s more? It’s a top family friendly walking game, that you can stretch to the full length of the walk!
So how do you create this alternative Easter Nature Egg Hunt? Grab yourself some recycling, cut out an Egg shape and attach string or coloured yarn. Print off or screenshot our Alternative Easter Egg Hunt Sheet and head out walking! Find something that matches everything on the sheet! (And maybe earn an Easter treat if you complete it!
If you love our Alternative Easter Egg hunt, remember to tag us in your shots @thereluctantexplorers.
Are these the prettiest Easter Eggs you’ve seen?
Blossom Ice Easter Eggs
Are these not the most BEAUTIFUL Easter Eggs you have EVER seen?!
This gorgeous Easter activity just oozes Spring! The idea is to go and collect as much blossom or spring wild flowers that you can find, bring them back, and turn them into Icy Easter Eggs. We used real egg shells to use as moulds for this one, and you can find out more top tips about how to carry out this Eastery Activity on the Blossom Easter Eggs page.
Why not chase it up with an icy egg and spoon race?!
Easter Chicks made out of Pine Cones. Genius? I think so!
Pine Cone Easter Chicks
These are super cute, and would look great on an Easter Card!
It’s a really easy little activity!
Get outdoors, and on your walk collect a perennial favourite, PINE CONES! It’s ridiculous, but even though I’m grown up, I still love collecting them! (I do love a good pine cone!)
When you get home, snip of the pine coney bits and stick them together in a circle. Paint it and then add googly eyes, a beak and legs as a finishing touch!
No Easter outfit is complete without Easter Bunny Ears!
Nature Easter Bunny Ears
You surely cannot go through Easter without donning a pair of Easter Bunny Ears right? They are the perfect accompaniment to an Easter Egg Hunt!
This is a very easy idea! Grab yourself some scrap cardboard (a box will do nicely!) Cut out a long strip for the band, and bunny ears. It will sit like a crown on top of you little ones’ head.
Around the base of the bunny ears, tie string, then head out and create yourself a nature crown fit for the Easter Bunny himself, by sliding your nature treasure behind the string!
Make your own kaleidoscope with an Easter twist!
Spring Nature Kaleidoscope
This is such a cool activity. Did you know you can make your own kaleidoscope?
We used spring blossom to fill ours, but as an Easter twist, why not arrange your blossom to make Easter egg shapes?
We used mirrored card, a laminating pouch and a split pin to make ours, but there are other ways to do this activity.
An Easter Egg and Spoon Race!
So there you have it! Five Easter nature crafts to keep those little Easter bunnies entertained outside!
Happy Easter from the Reluctant Explorers!
Want a Walk to go with those Easter Crafts?
Check out nearly 100 of our walks in and around the Yorkshire Dales!