The Ultimate Guide to Walking with Kids
En route up to the summit of Loughrigg Fell in the Lake District, aged 4. Wearing tights. Yes, read on to find out more about that!
Here are our TOP tried and tested tips for Hiking with Kids!
Walking with the kids can be testing. And it’s not just testing in terms of the challenge presented by the walk you are on! No. At times, your patience will more than likely be pushed to its limits! Because hiking with kids isn’t always an easy ride. And I am here to tell you, THAT’S OK! Because we’ve ALL been there (no matter what some will tell you!) That’s EXACTLY why I came up with this website, to help families find a walk designed for kids and that is approved by the kids. The ULTIMATE family friendly hike.
And after over a decade of experience of hiking with the kids I have tried EVERY trick in the book. BELIEVE me.
I have drawn the content of this blog from my own lists, records (I’m obsessive at taking notes) and old blog posts that I’ve written since the kids were babies!
I will be working through the years, from walking with babies up to the pre-teen years (and beyond, once we hit the teenage years…. I sense that will be a WHOLE different ball game!)
So here we go! Read on to find out our ULTIMATE guide to how to reduce the whinge factor, up the motivation game and how to make bribery TOTALLY acceptable (and the rest!)
For more… follow us on Instagram and Facebook @thereluctantexplorers
Don’t be fooled… the kid LOVED a good old grumble on a walk (still does now!)
The ‘Hiking with the Baby’ Years
Ah yes. I had a love hate relationship with these years. I LOVED the fact that you could basically crack on with a good old fashioned mammoth hike at your own pace, but then on the other hand if you had one of THOSE days, you could get to the furthest point of the walk and then have a screaming baby strapped to you for the best part of 6 miles (or…. the HORROR … 10!)
So yeah.
As a mum of babies many moons ago now (well, 10 years ago. Where on earth did that decade go?!) you might think I have forgotten the challenges presented by hiking with a baby, but fortunately I work with them and their mums and dads day in, day out. So I am VERY aware of how babies work (or more accurately, how they like to lure you into a false sense of security, making you think that you’ve GOT this DOWN and then they’ll do a full 180 on you and change the play altogether!)
What I do know is that fresh air is the BEST. For quite literally everything. Getting out with little ones from a super early age is one hundred percent worth the effort, regardless of the ultimate fails and because of the epic wins!
My advice from this era of hiking with the kids, is hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
So be prepared for the poonamis, a surprise nap, or even worse, a surprise NO nap. Expect the need for a feed at the MOST problematic moments and expect that any schedule you might have down at the outset of the walk will go out of the window as soon as you are 100 metres from the car. Be prepared, then it can only be even better than you’d hoped.
(It sounds pessimistic, but then I also recall the time I walked the entirety of Tarn Hows with a screaming baby strapped to me who wasn’t tired, didn’t need changing, wasn’t teething and, for those wonderful passers-by who cared to comment, WASN’T HUNGRY! He was just being a little b****** that day and didn’t really want to be in the carrier. He wanted to be cradled in my arms the whole way round like a l’al prince. *sigh)
Hiking in all weather since 3 months old….. don’t worry, it DID stop raining and judging by the look of those eye-bags, I definitely did NOT sleep before this walk!
The Baby Advice
What is that phrase… Proper planning prevents p*** poor performance?
Yeah. Sod that. You have a baby! Proper planning can prevent NOTHING! I joke of course… because planning does help… and please remember, this comes from a place of love! I have been there, I feel it, I know how hard it can be, but I also know how glorious it can be when all the stars align and it just WORKS. So try, try and try again . The baby years can be hard, BUT YOU GOT THIS!
Feeds: You can absolutely feed immediately before heading out on a walk. This means OPTIMUM likelihood that you’ll have a content baby whilst you’re out. But even so, plan for the unplanned so wear kit that’s easy to feed in, or take extra feeds with you.
Naps: Again, you can try to time your walk for a feed followed by a nap. It sounds foolproof, but it is NOT. Speaking the obvious here, there is no such thing as a guaranteed nap (unless, you are SUPER lucky! In which case. Awesome, you do you!)
The Escape Plan: which leads me neatly onto planning an escape (nope…. sadly not to the Italian Lakes). All well-planned hikes need an escape plan, and one with a baby is no exception. Because when the ahem hits the fan, you may well want to EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY. So figure our how you’ll cut the walk short, or what the distances are if you have to turn back.
The Wardrobe Options: This is quite literally the BANE of my life STILL even 10 years later! Deciding what layers are needed depend on so many factors including the weather, temperatures (including wind chill) and how you are wearing your baby!
Close to your body? Layer down. You will generate heat whilst you are hiking, but also remember exposed hands and feet can still get chilly, so layer up on those and remember a hat! A waterproof all in one works well, but also (like pictured above) consider using a sized up waterproof to zip over the two of you! Cosy, windproof and waterproof (although you’ll still need a waterproof hat or hood)
In a carrier? Think cosy. Baby isn’t moving unlike the rest of us, so think about how you would feel if you were sat outside in the temperature you’re in for any length of time and dress appropriately for that.
And then… plan for the poonami. Because we all KNOW that babies will secretly plot one for any occasion where you are a) JUST about the leave the house b) have JUST arrived anywhere without a change of clothes. Or c) any time you’ve secured them in the car seat… So extra nappies and outfits in the bag!
Splashing by the tarn in what is a rare and wonderfully co-ordinated outfit! Plus, a hat that’s actually on a head! This is clearly a day when I was smashing it!
Hiking with a Toddler… when the hike becomes less ‘hikey’
Ah yes. The time when they would really rather walk actually…
Except when they DON’T want to walk… and when they immediately DO want to walk. And then when you have to stop every 5 seconds to pick up something virtually invisible from the path…. and then they DON’T want to walk, but wait they do and HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT THEY DIDN’T WANT TO….
Enter, ‘the TODDLER PHASE’. A joyous time where you will experience your reawakening to all the microscopic wonders of the natural world and then the slightly less joyous moments, where you will be given an insight into the mind of a toddler, who understands NO REASON. I stand in solidarity with the parents and carers of the toddler hikers (I’m saluting you from my desk right now….)
I think this is possibly the most testing part when it comes to folks who are used to a grand old hike, who have been reduced to walking 500 metres in the space of five hours.
And my advice is….
No. That’s not my ACTUAL advice….
It’s stick with it guys. It’ll get easier. And consistency is key, keep it up. YOU GOT THIS! (I sense a theme with my motivational statements)
Standing on the edge of the lake… the KING of the want to walk/ don’t want to walk game
Top Tips for Hiking with a Toddler
Throw all the best laid plans into the wind. The Toddler does not care.
Here’s my best attempt at providing advice for an unknown quantity.
Just relax a bit… This is possibly the ONLY advice. Because it encompasses all aspects. Plan shorter routes, or routes that have a failsafe get out option in case your timings are thrown by the examination of everything along the way. Accept the slow life and use it as an excuse to slow down yourself. Lay in the buttercups and look up at the clouds, chuck stones in the streams, go hunting for nature, put your hands over your ears when the tantrums arrive…
Snacks. JUST SNACKS! All the snacks. Pack double, just in case it’s a hungry day! And then extra (for you)
Now we’re past the obvious, here’s what I kitted the kids out with.
A decent toddler carrier. Priorities? Comfy for naps, and easy in and out (for when I was on my own with them). It’s very difficult to recommend a carrier because everybody has a different requirement and everybody has different ideas of comfort. Also, our toddler years were a long time ago and equipment is constantly evolving! I used a BECO toddler carrier with both of mine and had them on my back, piggy back style if they needed a carry. It was less bulky than a structured carrier (which we also had - a Little Life one) but it was more flexible. And flexibility is definitely key when it comes to toddlers.
The only down side was that it wasn’t waterproof and in contrast, the structured carrier came with a rain cover. But in a quick shower, an extra large waterproof and a front carry would do the trick.
I do recommend heading to your local sling library to go and actually try out your carrier before buying because comfort is king for you and for your toddler!
Comfy Hiking Boots. Go and get fitted for a comfy hiking shoe or boot, something that’s lightweight and has a good grippy sole. Nothing too heavy, and really nothing too technical either. Feet grow fast, and quite frankly, there probably won’t be a whole lot of time spent on those feet, so consider that when weighing up what you spend!
Layers. When carried, they will chill down pretty quickly. When walking, they’ll be hotter than Mount Vesuvius. A great waterproof all in one is helpful, but in practicality is a nightmare to take off/ put on if you need to, so separates do on the whole, work out for the best (although, total sucker for a cute all in one - as pictured!) Layers are LITERALLY a constant throughout all kid life. I should really have just put it as a general top note!
The back carrier…. and the FAAAAACE! (He wanted to walk)
The Inbetween Bit.
I once wrote a blog about how there should be a T-Schooler era for kids… Here’s how it went…
…‘I’m pretty sure there should be a category between Toddler and Pre-School. To me, Toddlers are cute little big-babies who are just finding their feet, but who can also singlehandedly destroy an entire household in the space of 5 minutes flat. Pre-Schoolers are kids who can sit for longer than 7 minutes, may or may not have mastered the art of crossing their legs and almost certainly can negotiate some peaceful toy sharing.
Enter, the T-Schooler.
That grey area between the Toddler and Pre School. When they are big babies with attitude. They can talk but they lack any kind of rational thinking. School is sooo not ready for them, let alone them being ready for school!
T-Schoolers are HARD and then add in hiking. So check out the advice above and then add…
Take a deep breath. It’s worth it. It really is. Try getting a few games started. Try I-Spy using colours or perhaps simply sing a song to march along to it. Or, counting steps…. and then stop after 10 to see what you can spot around you.
But just make sure you double the time needed to allow for the procrastination, the sit down tantrums, the refusal to do anything. That is the T-Schooler phase.
But my message remains.
Stick with it guys. WE HAVE GOT THIS!!
On the hunt for moorland birds
The Preschool and Early Years
Now it starts getting FUN….. Annnnnnd exhausting!
But mostly fun (ish). Yes, you will still be treated to the sit down protests…. and this is the age of childhood where the whinge-skills are really being honed into a fine art. But it’s also the age of understanding games, grabbing hold of a scavenger sheet, completing a trail, taking pictures, finding excellent sticks, the best rock, the most leafy leaf…. splashing in muddy puddles! (oh my WORD that brought back Peppa Pig memories!)
It’s the age where lockdown hit for us, when my two were barely 4 and 6. Remember those days? There was a LOT Of walking. And so I really perfected our whinge management skills. (HA! Who am I kidding, there’s no such thing as perfection when it comes to walking with the kids!)
It was also when I started this website… and it’s why we have a whole page dedicated to walking games to try, so I thoroughly recommend checking that one out!
At this age, I found the best walks were the ones that really delivered in terms of interest, but in the shortest possible distance. LOADS of things to find, rocks to climb, caves, trees, water… places to throw stones or even paddle in and walks that end at the park! All these walks were the winners (well as much as you can have a winner at that age!)
We made journey sticks, we made walking sticks, we took cameras out and took pictures to take home and draw. We had a permanent bug box in the bag, MAN I literally tried it all! All for the love of taking them outdoors… for trying to spark a love of hiking, nature and all things fresh air!
I call these the ‘High Maintenance Years’, but play it right and your walks will begin to stretch out to be longer and longer, they’ll take less time and there is a faint glimmer of light on the horizon!
This is an actual real life picture of the moment he realised I’d left the snacks at home…. (never leave the snacks at home!)
Here are my top tips for hiking with a preschooler or early years kid…
Snacks. Do NOT forget the snacks. See the picture above? A genuine heart stopping moment when I realised I’d left the snacks in the car… It was not well received. I am a pretty unpopular mum with the kids at home. I don’t ever really allow chocolate or sweets unless its Christmas or a birthday….. (BOOOOO!) but when we are out on a walk, those rules relax BIG time. Far be it for me to call it bribery… (it’s totally bribery) but smarties and Haribo got this kid up to the top of Buckden Pike at age 5 and it works. Plus, you know what it’s like. A fast sugar hit can be just the energy you need to power up the last section of a tricky climb. Kids are no different.
Here’s what I pack for a high energy quick boost. Dried fruit, biscuits, cereal bars and sweets (just don’t tell the dentist!) The kids have allergies to nuts, so they don’t feature for us, but they’re also a great grab and go snack too. The system works! For lunch, make sure you pack more than you would normally eat. You don’t have to eat it all, but there’s a lot of energy burned in hiking and kids operate BADLY on an empty engine!
Games. I spent a long time honing the walking games we did. I wanted to walk, the kids were less than keen most of the time, therefore I was forever coming up with plans to try and make the ‘boring’ walk more exciting. Check out our whole page of tried and tested walking games!
Route Planning. This is why this website was born! I was forever trying to find an awesome walk that satisfied my desire for a good old stomp and the kids desire to not be BOOOOOORED! So I designed all of our walks to be as kid friendly as I could. Look for things like waterfalls, paddle spots, stepping stones, trees, rocks to clamber on, interesting stories to tell, walks with a park at the end. And get them involved with the planning too! Choice will give the kids so much more than just being told what to do…
SO ask the kids! ‘we’re headed out, do you want to find a waterfall? Would you like to go climbing? Would you like to find a cool ruin? Conquer a mountain?’
Just lay off using the word ‘walk’…. K?
Spares. Embrace the fact that there will be mud, mess and it’s highly likely somebody will fall into a puddle. Take spares of socks, pants, trousers…. or have a permanent stash of them in the car so you can pop a few in your bag whenever you might need them!
In fact… this is exactly what I do. I used to forget them - but not any mor, because they’re permanently there! I have a designated bag for spares, waterproofs, extra layers, gloves, hats etc. It’s basically my…. OH NO! I’ve forgotten the….. (insert your own) bag!
Choose your battles wisely… Remember that picture from the start? My WORD one of those hiking Facebook groups would SELF COMBUST with anger at the fact I allowed my kid to hike up a WAINWRIGHT in UNICORN TIGHTS! The HORROR! Where are her walking trousers??
Well… actually her walking trousers were safely stowed in my bag, along with another pair of leggings. Because, she wanted to wear the tights. IT WAS VERY IMPORTANT she wore the tights and see? She’s still wearing walking boots and a windproof/ waterproof jacket? Those were my non-negotiables. We were headed up on a fine day, there was no real drama with her wearing her unicorn tights, so I let that one slide as long as she wore the jacket and boots. See? Parenting. It’s one long negotiation for peace.
Boots This was era where we found that the boots really came into their own. Good quality boots with a good grippy sole and most importantly COMFY and definitely waterproof.
See? Achieved that trig point in those unicorn tights!
Hiking with the Older Kids
Ok… We’ve survived the baby, toddler, t-schooler, pre-schooler and early years hikes…. And now there are so many OPINIONS! The older kids and pre-teen years present a totally different challenge to getting outdoors.
Here is the time of the compromise. The balance that is struck between hiking life and kids life… school, hobbies, parties, play dates, school fairs and allll the rest that lies in-between! It does make it hard to keep up that consistency and to fit it in without completely burning everybody out!
But I still prioritise a family adventure and here’s why.
They’re growing up! There will be a time when they’re at their weekend job, have revision, see friends, go off to uni…. get a WHOLE LIFE!!!! Which is of course the goal! But I feel like this is the time where we need to totally take advantage of every moment we have together. No matter how MAD they are that you dare to suggest it!
Enter the micro-adventures. The mini adventures that can fit in around footie practice and parties, dance shows and allll the other stuff! I’m talking getting up super early to see a sunrise, heading out to see the stars at night. Planning a mini adventure in the middle of the day.
Keep up the prioritising of the outdoorsy stuff, and hopefully (we’re yet to see….) they’ll begin to prioritise it themselves!
Standing at the trig point at the top of Whernside, the highest of the Yorkshire Dales Mountains
Top Tips for Hiking with the Pre-Teens
KEEP IT UP GUYS! You’ve made it this far. My favourite parts about hiking with the Pre-Teen is the chats. We have plenty of one on one time and I find out more about her life in a 5 mile walk than I do in 5 hours spent at home. Now, I feel more like this time is precious, and it is about bonding. Sure. the suggestion is met with an eye-roll and a ‘how long IS this walk going to be?’ But it’s worth it every time (mostly…)
Hand over control. Get them to choose the walk and give them the map. Get them practicing those nav skills and gaining that confidence in the outdoors!
Information is KEY! TELL them where they’re going, what the point is, what there is a find out, what stories there are to tell, ghost stories, legends, horrible history. Tell them how long it will take and how many miles there are and tell them what’s waiting at the end!
Think of a challenge or achievement. I’ve found that the older my two get, the more up for a challenge they are. The feeling that they’ve actually accomplished something rather than just being out for a ‘pointless’ walk.
Food. Still a huge factor! Pack LOADS because I know you know that they could singlehandedly empty a fridge within an hour!
Let them set the benchmarks. You will be able to hike longer and harder, but let them set the places for a pause (i.e. the snack stop!)
Do a challenge! In 2024 we set ourselves the challenge of bagging all the Yorkshire Dales mountains. We are 5 walks away from completing it at the beginning of 2025, but it created a drive. A reason. And the kids have actually really enjoyed it (well aside from the time i took them up Wild Boar Fell in the sideways sleet, wind and zero visibility…)
The soon to be 12 year old…. what will the future hold.
Hiking with Kids… The Teenage Years…
The future is not yet written! But it will be!
As with all of my blogs, they evolve over time. This is the first time I’ve ever written anything as all encompassing as this when it comes to hiking with kids, but we are not yet at the end of the journey, and we aren’t going anywhere!
So watch this space for the challenges presented by the teens. I can only imagine what it will hold (because I remember me as a teenager!)
See you in the future guys!